Study Info - Student Life & Student Support
Study Info - Student Life & Student Support

Student Life

Student life

to learn more than simply what is in books

You have the opportunity to learn through our mission, where leading and inspiring are part of everyday learning.  Your learning experiences are embedded in a Tūhoe worldview which encourages you to apply this to your own whakapapa. 

While studying here with Anamata, you are not in isolation from the world around you.  The real connections to iwi and hapū enable you to move and share your learning with the community and related sectors.

Plus we like to let loose and let you have a bit of fun as much as we can!

Student support

At Anamata we are all here to support you on your journey

We understand the significance of the step you are taking – you are entrusting us to empower you to increase your knowledge and better yourself for you and your whānau.  

Our programme and business support teams are along for the ride and will work hard to ensure that you have everything you need to focus on achieving your dream.


Anamata has a long history of successful outcomes for Māori learners.  The focus of our learning programmes and support structures validates Māori practice models.  All aspects of our operations embed mātaurana Māori and cultural capability to promote and support tauira wellbeing, achievement and personal development.

NZQA introduced the Code of Practice in 2021.  This Code ensures the wellbeing and safety of all tertiary tauira enrolled in education providers within Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Find out more about The Education (Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice in the NZQA link:  Wellbeing and safety for tertiary learners :: NZQA

Each year, Anamata undertakes a self-review of implementation of the Code of Practice. Download our 2024 Self-Review Report here.

student expectations

We're your competitive advantage

One of the benefits of choosing Anamata to further embark on your journey of learning is the quality you receive from our brilliant tutors.  

We want you to be the best you can – for this you need to work hard and be committed to your dream.

Dedicated study-time, taking steps to deal with the bumps along the road, and ensuring you are present in the moment when your tutors are imparting their wisdom, are all part of that commitment and the deal you make when you choose to study with the best.