About Anamata - Our People - Our Tutors

Our Tutors

Our Tutors



Erana Kihi

Erana Kihi

Te Tohu Ako Paetahi: Mā Te Reo Bachelor of Teaching Tutor

Te Tohu Hiwi: Diploma in Foundation Studies Facilitator

Much like when I opted to study here myself. In true Anamata fashion, I was approached at a tangi to see if I had moved home yet and whether or not I was interested in taking some papers, and the rest is history.
Why I stay at Anamata is because I see the positive contribution Te Pū Wānanga o Anamata makes to the overall health and wellbeing of our people. Our graduates have had the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners and have gone on to use those pūkena and mātaurana to help realise whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations.
Ki te ako, ki te ārahi, ki te āwheo.
Huhana Pene

Huhana Pene

Te Taupuatanga o te Whānau - Bachelor of Applied Counselling Tutor

Vivienne Wilson

Vivienne Wilson

Te Taupuatanga o te Whānau - Bachelor of Applied Counselling Tutor

Ko Mātaatua te waka
Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi
Ko Ngai Taiwhakaea rāua ko Ngāti Hokopū ngā hapū
Ko Paroa rāua ko Te Hokowhitu a Tū ngā pā
Ko Vivienne Puti Wilson tākū ingoa
Growing Māori counsellors in a culturally sensitive environment and continuing the mahi of our tūpuna, is my “Why Anamata”.
Dr Candy Cookson-Cox

Dr Candy Cookson-Cox

NZ Diploma in Māori Public Health 

Certificate in Public Health & Health Promotions (Suicide Intervention & Prevention) Tutor

Vicki Murray

Vicki Murray

Certificate in Public Health & Health Promotions (Suicide Intervention & Prevention) Tutor

Tikirau Ata

Tikirau Ata

NZ Certificate in Construction Trade Skills Tutor